
Frequently asked questions | Te Mahau

Streamlining Bookings and Attendance: Juniorlogs’ User-Friendly Interface
May 1, 2024
Helpful info from the Early Learning Bulletin
September 20, 2024
Streamlining Bookings and Attendance: Juniorlogs’ User-Friendly Interface
May 1, 2024
Helpful info from the Early Learning Bulletin
September 20, 2024

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about COVID-19 for early learning services


What support is there for services if staff are unable to work because they have a winter illness?

From June – September 2023 services can apply for emergency closure if they are unable to meet minimum staffing requirements because their staff are sick with COVID-19 or winter flu-like illnesses.

COVID-19 or respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks over winter – Bulletins.education.govt.nz

What support is there for services over the winter period due to increased child absences?

As usual, services can use the EC12/EC13 process for an exemption from the three-week rule to continue to receive funding. However, from June to September 2023 the child’s parent or guardian can complete the form in the place of a medical practitioner.

Where absence due to COVID-19 or RSV continues for a period of six weeks or more, parents need to re-confirm the situation in writing. This can be done in the form of an email or text message. Parents do not need to re-sign the EC13. The maximum period a child can be exempted from the absence rules is 12 weeks.

COVID-19 or respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks over winter – Bulletins.education.govt.nz

What happens when education and care cannot take place in the home because an educator has COVID-19?

From June to September 2023, home-based services may claim funding if an educator or household member has COVID-19 or RSV and education and care cannot take place in the home. Funding is not available if the educator has chosen not to offer education and care. This allows services to continue to claim for funding if the home of an educator is unavailable to provide care due to COVID or RSV.

COVID-19 or respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks over winter – Bulletins.education.govt.nz