Funding settings under the new traffic light system – Absence Rules And Discretionary Hours.
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Absence Rules


For February to May 2022 funding period    


  For June to September 2022 funding period   
Frequent Absence Rule Reset

The Frequent Absence rule was reset on 1 February 2022 for all early learning services.

This means February becomes ‘Month 1’ for the purposes of assessing a pattern of frequent absence. Previous patterns prior to 1 February 2022 can be disregarded.


EC12 Absence Exemption

For permanently enrolled children who do not attend services you can use the EC12 exemption for this funding period. This applied to the period at the beginning of the funding period where we were in the red setting and was extended to 31 May to support services even if their region moved into the orange setting.

For funding to continue for absent children in the February to May funding period parents or caregivers will need to complete a ‘statement of intention to return’ or ‘reconfirmation of enrolment to provide the evidence that a child has not permanently left the service. Please include any information about when the child is expected to return. This must be in writing but could be in the form of an email or text message. Where absence continues for a period of 4 weeks or more, parents need to re-confirm the situation in writing, this can be done in the form of an email or text message. You will need to keep a copy or record of this for audit purposes.


Frequent Absence Rule Reset

The Frequent Absence rule will be reset on 1 June 2022 for all early learning services.

This means June becomes ‘Month 1’ for the purposes of assessing a pattern of frequent absence. Previous patterns prior to 1 June 2022 can be disregarded. 


EC12 Absence Exemption 

… services may use the EC12 form for children whose attendance is impacted by these viral infections.

To access this exemption, an EC13 Form (Supporting Medical Certificate) is required. The EC13 form may be completed by the child’s parent or guardian if the child is:

  • unwell with COVID-19
  • unwell with a likely RSV infection or flu
  • vulnerable to respiratory illnesses
  • advised, by health authorities or a medical practitioner, to stay home due to illness in their household.

For absences 4 weeks or more parents will need to complete a ‘statement of intention to return’ or ‘reconfirmation of enrolment to provide the evidence that a child has not permanently left the service. This must be in writing but could be in the form of an email or text message. You will need to keep a copy or record of this for audit purposes.

You must not claim funding for children who have left your service.

Parents and guardians will only be able to complete the EC13 form in place of a medical practitioner until 30 September 2022.


Discretionary Hours


For February to May 2022 funding period    


80 discretionary hours are available to teacher-led services.
Early learning services are not required to have evidence that they have looked for a certificated teacher before using discretionary hours during the 1 February 2022 to 31 May 2022 period.
For June to September 2022 funding period 


Early learning services are required to have evidence that they have looked for a certificated teacher before using discretionary hours during the 1 June 2022 to 30 September 2022 period.

These records should be kept at the service for examination by the Ministry’s Resourcing Auditors during an audit. They do not need to be sent to the Ministry of Education.


Nisarg Naik